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Tongue-Tie in Babies: Signs Parents Can Look For and How Chiropractic Care Supports Comfort and Function

Written By Happy Family Chiropractic on March 5, 2025

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Tongue-Tie in Babies: Signs Parents Can Look For and How Chiropractic Care Supports Comfort and Function

Many parents struggle to understand why their baby has difficulty feeding, is fussy, or seems tense in their body. One common yet often overlooked issue is tongue-tie (ankyloglossia), a condition where the thin band of tissue under the tongue (lingual frenulum) is too tight or restrictive. This limitation can affect a baby's ability to latch, suck, swallow, and even impact their posture and nervous system function.

At Happy Family Chiropractic, we do not diagnose or treat tongue-tie, but we work closely with pediatric dentists and specialists who do. If your baby has been diagnosed with tongue- or lip-tie, chiropractic care and cranial adjusting can help optimize feeding, improve comfort, and support healing before and after a tongue-tie release (frenectomy).

What Are the Signs of Tongue-Tie in Babies?

Many parents do not realize their baby has a tongue-tie until feeding challenges or body tension arise. If you suspect your baby is struggling with tongue restriction, here are some key signs to look for:

Feeding Challenges:

  • Difficulty latching to the breast or bottle
  • Frequent clicking sounds while feeding
  • Poor weight gain or slow weight gain despite frequent feedings
  • Milk leaking from the mouth while feeding
  • Swallowing excess air, leading to gas, reflux, or colic symptoms
  • Preference for bottle-feeding over breastfeeding due to difficulty maintaining a strong latch

Physical Symptoms of Tongue-Tie:

  • Tongue does not lift fully to the roof of the mouth
  • Heart-shaped or notched tongue when crying
  • High, narrow palate due to restricted tongue movement
  • Tight or stiff upper lip that does not curl outward (lip-tie)
  • Lip blisters from struggling to maintain a seal during feeding

Signs of Body Tension Related to Tongue-Tie:

  • Excessive arching of the back or stiffness in the body
  • Preferring to turn their head to one side when sleeping or feeding
  • Frequent hiccups or gagging
  • Noisy breathing or reliance on mouth breathing
  • Delayed or difficult transitions to solid foods

If your baby is exhibiting these signs, it is important to consult with a pediatric dentist or tongue-tie specialist for a proper assessment.

How Chiropractic Care and Cranial Adjusting Support Babies with Tongue-Tie

Tongue-tie does not only affect the mouth; it creates tension throughout the nervous system from the head down to the spine and sacrum. Whether a baby is preparing for a frenectomy (tongue-tie release) or has already had the procedure, chiropractic care and cranial adjusting can play a critical role in helping their body integrate the release and function optimally.

At Happy Family Chiropractic, we focus on gentle, neurologically-based chiropractic care to:

  • Reduce tension in the cranial bones, jaw, and neck, improving tongue mobility
  • Support optimal spinal alignment and nervous system balance
  • Improve oral function and feeding coordination
  • Help prevent compensatory patterns that can cause postural imbalances
  • Aid in post-frenectomy recovery, ensuring the tongue moves freely without restriction

Chiropractic care and bodywork are essential before and after a tongue-tie release to help babies fully integrate the changes and experience improved feeding, digestion, sleep, and overall comfort.

Supporting Your Baby’s Comfort and Development

If your baby has been diagnosed with tongue-tie or you suspect feeding difficulties may be related to oral restrictions, early intervention with a team of pediatric specialists, lactation consultants, and a chiropractor trained in infant care can make a significant difference.

At Happy Family Chiropractic, we are dedicated to helping babies feel their best through gentle adjustments, cranial work, and nervous system support.

Call today to schedule a consultation and learn how chiropractic care can help your baby thrive.


Posted In: Chiropractic Newborn Family Chiropractic Cranial Adjustments